MasterClass: Now We Know: Lipedema IS A Lymphatic Disease
Sunday, July 26, 2020 @ 4:00 pm EST
Have you had a difficult time finding a doctor who can diagnosis lipedema? Many of us have had that happen, time, and time again. GREAT NEWS! There is now a biomarker for lipedema.
Dr. Stanely Rockson is a foremost cardiologist and champion for lymphatic disorders and researcher. He recently contacted me to say, and I quote:
"We've identified the first biomarker for lipedema - one that links lipedema to the other lymphatic diseases, including lymphedema (article linked here):
This is BIG. This means there is now a diagnostic test that can be performed for lipedema.
Dr. Rockson presents his research for our lipedema community.
CATHERINE SEO, PhD is Founder & Director of Lipedema Simplified, Executive Director of the Lipedema Project, course director for MasterClass: Beyond Lipedema and a professor of psychology.
Includes live Q&A.
NOTE: The replays are available 24 hours after the webinars and then for 48 hours. The replays are then in our TRIBE Community library.
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The Lipedema Project has evolved from the early work of Lipedema Simplifed and has more extensive information about lipedema. Please visit http://lipedemaproject.org/ to learn more.