A Heart to Heart Collaborative Community Event

Take control of your Lipedema and Lymphedema to thrive in your body and life without being overwhelmed or confused and discover the next steps for your unique body that most doctors miss.

Our seventh lipedema virtual Event will be held on October 27, 28 & 29, 2023. THIS IS A COMMUNITY EVENT. Our last October Event was different from anything we had done before. We expanded our focus to include highly interactive sessions with breakouts of wisdom-sharing circles. It was successful beyond our wildest dreams. We are continuing to have community focus and interaction as the cornerstone of our Lipedema Events.

This upcoming event promises to deliver new information for patients who are recently diagnosed, as well as the experienced veteran. Seasoned clinicians along with healthcare professionals newly certified in the care of lymphatic disorders will gain new insight into these conditions. Our Lipedema & Lymphedema Heart to Heart: Me, You, We, Us: Our 3-Day Community Virtual Learning Event will foster collaboration between all stakeholders including expert speakers, patients, caregivers, industry vendors, and clinicians.

Heart to Heart Event October 2023

Our understanding of lipedema, lymphedema, and lipolymphedema has revolutionized over the last decade through research and clinical experience, but most especially by the awakening of patients themselves to the realities of lymphatic/fat disorders.  Join us to be part of the exploration and learning through this Lipedema conference. Be part of the solution!

“The moment you see your challenges as a puzzle and not a problem, you’ve found your way out. You may not be able to solve it in a day, nor even a year, but just know there’s always a solution.”  ~Quincy Jones