
Helpful Tips for Traveling

By May 18, 2023 July 7th, 2024 No Comments

Traveling is one of the most exciting activities we can take. Short or long trips can invigorate our bodies because through traveling, we can welcome a change in scenery, find different opportunities to meet people, try new things, and explore new places. 

As we prepare to take our trips, we need to remember that self-care is very important. Planning ahead can make our travels happy and joyous.

Here are some helpful tips that might come in handy when traveling.

  1. Pack a small dark towel or washcloth. This may come in handy when you need to remove makeup or other things from your face like sweat, dirt, and dust. We never know what can happen on our travels so it’s better to be prepared!
  2. Pack a small foldable waterproof bag inside your luggage. You can use it for items you purchase on the road or dirty or wet clothes. (I use gallon zip-lock baggies in a cinch sack.)
  3. Pack light. It is perfectly fine to wear an outfit more than once or to wear the same jeans for several days. Save some room in your luggage for the important items. Besides, isn’t it easier to travel when you don’t have a million things shoved inside your baggage? I don’t know about you, but traveling has been way easier when you’re minding only one to two bags instead of ten. 
  4. Remember, unless you are heading into the woods or the high country, there are stores nearby. Make sure to pack items you can’t buy, such as medicine, glasses, contact lenses, and other necessities that may be difficult to find. 
  5. Take an extra bank card. Call your bank and let them know that you will be traveling. Banks have a lot of safety features these days. By letting them know that you are traveling, they will know that you will be using your card in several locations.
  6. Wear your compression!
  7. Move every hour or so. Stop, walk, roll your ankles, stretch your arms and legs… If you are driving, this can make your trip longer but it is worth it. If you are taking a train or plane, walk through the station or airport, if you can. Get up and move through the car or cabin. Get your blood flowing!
  8. If you are flying and have trouble walking or get fatigued easily, ask for a wheelchair assist when you book your flight. When you check-in, verify that you have assistance getting to your gate. 
  9. Visit the local tourism offices of the towns, cities, or countries you go to or pass through. You may find some lovely gems.
  10. Take some pictures to remember your trip! It’s always fun to look back on your time in another city, town, or country. Whether you’re with your friends and family or by yourself, document your travels. It will help you remember what you did, where you went, and even some funny or nice things you saw during the trip. Having mementos will surely leave you feeling warm once you take them out to reminisce.

Enjoy your travels!

I guess it goes without saying that we travel for different reasons. It can be for business, visiting a relative, spending time with family, or simply enjoying the world around you. The most important tip I can give you when you’re traveling is to find a way to enjoy it while you can!

Unpredictable things may happen and this may not be all pleasant, but no matter what, there is always a brighter side to every experience. Now that you know some helpful tips for when you’re traveling, I hope you can face every opportunity not as a hurdle, but as an opportunity to grow and enjoy!

Cheer up, have a positive outlook, and seize the day!

~ Gail Straker, BAEd
Community Manager, Director of Coaching
Lipedema Simplified

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