Tuesday, November 24, 2020 – Episode 137

Tuesday, November 24, 2020 - Episode 137
By: Monika Wahi, MPH, CPH

The Four Priorities to Protect Yourself from Covid-19

  • In today’s flash briefing, we have our guest speaker Monika Wahi who will share with us these reminders on the key things we need to do to avoid Covid-19.
  • She is an epidemiologist and co-founded Vasanta Health Science Inc. which provides a broad range of public health education and informatics consulting services including leadership and management coaching.
  • 1. Make sure you’re in a place where there is no virus floating around.
  • 2. If you have to go to a virus-infected environment, cover your nose and your mouth.
  • 3. Wash everything. Clean everything. And kill the virus.
  • 4. Keep your immune system as healthy as possible.