About Raeann Sparks
I injured both of my knees and was refused surgery because I was diabetic, obese, and, even with osteoarthritis, judged too fat for knee replacement. I was in a wheelchair for several months when I discovered keto.
I was able to get out of the wheelchair by learning I had lipedema and then taking action. I used pool exercise and swimming daily, wearing compression daily, cycling 15 minutes daily, getting cortisone injections every 6 months, and, most important, adopting a ketogenic way of eating along with intermittent fasting (IF). After a year on Keto and fasting, I had lost 70 lbs and was able to walk a mile. I began to feel strong, mobile, mentally clear and energetic again having traded in my wheelchair for a bicycle.
Ketosis is overcoming my lipedema, saving my mobility and health, and has reversed my type 2 diabetes, obesity, and metabolic impairment. I now feel strong, mobile, mentally clear and energetic again. This is why I am so passionate about Keto Coaching with others to achieve their own victories over lipedema using the Ketogenic Way of Eating. With forty years of teaching experience, I use research, planning, motivation, evaluation and progression techniques to help my clients achieve.
Raeann is a certified coach in Low Carbohydrate-High Fat/Ketogenic Nutrition & Treatment (Noakes Foundation’s Nutrition Network). In addition to Keto for the treatment of Lipedema, she specializes in Keto for Type 2 Diabetes, Insulin Resistance, Metabolic Syndrome, and Osteoarthritis and is very experienced in using fasting as a healing modality.
The Lipedema Project has evolved from the early work of Lipedema Simplifed and has more extensive information about lipedema. Please visit http://lipedemaproject.org/ to learn more.