A Closer Look at Lipedema and the Effects on the Lymphatic System
By Joachim Zuther, on December 13th, 2012
Lymphedema BLOG – posting on the relationship of lymphedema and lipoedema.
Lymphedema BLOG – posting on the relationship of lymphedema and lipoedema.
Do you have more pictures of those with Lipedema. Is it curable?
If you have the nodules removed do they come back?
El objetivo de la cirugía es eliminar la mayor cantidad de grasa con lipeema del área afectada. En mi exoet8encia quirúrgica la tasa de reaparición de lipedema es baja. He de aclarar que mis pacientes siguen un plan de nutrición antiinflamatoria, deporte dirigido y medias de tejido plano.
Espero haber sido e ayuda.
Un cordial saludo,
Dr. Nicolás Ruiz Mosquera
Madrid – España The goal of surgery is to remove as much fat with lipema from the affected area. In my surgical exoet8encia the recurrence rate of lipedema is low. I have to clarify that my patients follow an anti-inflammatory nutrition plan, directed sports and flat-knit stockings. I hope I have been and help.
Best regards,
Dr. Nicolás Ruiz Mosquera
Madrid – Spain