MasterClass Webinar Series  2020

MasterClass: Mastering Your Emotions - Learning to Let Go

Sunday March 15, 2020 @ 4:00 pm EST
with Catherine Seo, PhD & Brenda Gold

NOTE: The recording of this webinar is now in Our TRIBE Community library.

Our Lipedema TRIBE Community

Together is better. Together we are stronger and can support one another.

All of our webinar recordings plus many more resources are available at your convenience in our library. There's also lots of support in the community. For more info about our TRIBE community:

We live in chaotic times. The pandemic continues to grow, many parts of our daily lives are changing. Schools closing, workplaces moving to online, businesses closing to name a few. It seems that it's impacting most of us in some way. This in addition to what we deal with on a daily basis with lipedema and its impact.

This special webinar is an opportunity to harness the emotional upheaval. Come join us to understand what happens in your brain that can trigger or calm down the uncertainty that is now a common part of our lives.

Catherine Seo, PhD is the Founder & Director of Lipedema Simplified & The Lipedema Project, course director for MasterClass: Beyond Lipedema and a professor of psychology. She produced and directed the documentary, The Disease They Call FAT, and was one of the co-authors of the book, Lipedema-The Disease They call FAT: An Overview for Clinicians. She has lipedema, lymphedema, and has struggled with obesity. Catherine brings knowledge, compassion, and humor to living with a chronic condition. She has been involved with Releasing since 1977 and has facilitated Releasing courses and retreats worldwide.

Brenda Gold, BHSc (PT) Physiotherapist and Emotional Freedom Coach. Brenda's background includes graduate level (MA) in religion and arts, physiotherapy credentials BHSc (PT) with 20 years in private practice, pastoral counseling, and a yoga and Qi Gong teacher. Brenda joined our MasterClass dealing with the loss of her husband plus several other co-morbidities in addition to lipedema. She found "releasing" especially helpful so continued to the teacher training. She has been coaching & helping others in "letting go" of emotional blocks and flowing into greater freedom. Brenda shares: "I found new practices to help move forward. There is still a lot of road ahead of me and I am willing to share that road with anyone who would find it helpful."

The Lipedema Project has evolved from the early work of Lipedema Simplifed and has more extensive information about lipedema. Please visit to learn more.