Lipedema and Lymphedema Heart to Heart:
A Collaborative 3-Day Virtual Event

We are so excited to invite you to our three-day interactive event that will include world-class experts and group conversations that you can’t afford to miss! Be sure to save in your calendar!

Save the dates: September 27, 28 and 29, 2024

“The moment you see your challenges as a puzzle and not a problem, you’ve found your way out. You may not be able to solve it in a day, nor even a year, but just know there's always a solution.”   ~Quincy Jones

Our eighth annual virtual Event is September 27, 28 and 29, 2024. This Event is different from anything we have done before. We are expanding our focus to include highly interactive sessions with breakouts of wisdom-sharing circles. Dr. Matthew Carmody reminds us that the patients have much wisdom and knowledge offering a doorway to “emergent strategies.”

Along with our global expert speakers, our attendees, the patients, will have time and a voice to share, explore, learn, and encourage each other. Nick Obolensky defines the possibility as the “Emergence is the way complex systems and patterns arise out of a multiplicity of relatively simple interactions.”

Our understanding of lipedema, lymphedema, and lipo-lymphedema has revolutionized over the last decade through research and clinical experience, but most especially by the awakening of patients themselves to the realities of lymphatic/fat disorders. Explore what the worldwide community of researchers, healthcare providers, caregivers as well as those with these disorders have learned about the causes and optimal symptom management through a holistic approach. Join us for this highly interactive and collaborative event. Envision the possibilities of living your best life.

Stay tuned!

Lipedema Simplified Heart to Heart Event Conference 2024
Learn More

The Lipedema Project has evolved from the early work of Lipedema Simplifed and has more extensive information about lipedema. Please visit to learn more.