Coaching & Consulting for Lipedema Ladies

Lipedema is a complex fat disorder that affects every aspect of our lives: physical, mental/psychological, emotional, spiritual, and social. Lipedema and weight can show up very differently in each of us. One nutrition plan doesn't work for everyone. We have found that a customized and personalized plan to manage your lipedema works for many lipedema ladies.

You can work one-to-one or in a small group setting with a coach & mentor that can help you achieve your health goals with keto and with lipedema.

Meet our coaching, consulting, and leadership team

Our coaches & consultants bring experience and have both knowledge and compassion. We are here to support you. We have your back.

Leslyn Keith, OTD, CLT-LANA
Lymphatic Specialist & Researcher
Author: The Ketogenic Solution for Lymphatic Disorders

Catherine Seo, PhD
Lipedema Wellness Consulting
Co-author: Lipedema-The Disease They Call FAT: An Overview for Clinicians

Our Team Approach

We are fortunate to have Leslyn Keith, OTD, CLT-LANA and Catherine Seo, PhD as active members of our team. While Dr. Keith doesn't coach one-to-one, she does consult with the coaches in helping to develop the right approach for your particular situation. Dr. Seo does lipedema consulting to support you in finding the right pathway for you, she doesn't offer ongoing coaching but rather consults with entire coaching team.

Our team approach allows us to consult with one another to help you craft the program that's right for you. You can work with one coach knowing that you have the entire team consulting as needed.

TOGETHER, we support, encourage and guide you in making the changes and "biohacking" your food plan and life so it's just right for YOU!

Our Coaching Collaborative Network

Adrien "Adie" MacKenzie, LMT, CLT-LANA
Massage & Lymphedema Therapist

Bryan Hayward
Pain Management Specialist
Chemical Engineer

Carrie Reedy, BHSc (Nut Med) FNLP
Functional Nutrition & Keto Coaching

SCHEDULE: For additional information on each coach/consultant  and/or to schedule a coaching session, click on a coaches' image above. You can schedule an exploratory consult (20 minutes free session) on the calendar below.

Why coaching & mentoring?

Because we are each unique.

YOU are unique. No two women have the same situation, stage, type, various co-morbidities, and other things that impact our health.

Lipedema just can’t be treated by formula, rather we have found that a customized and personalized plan to manage lipedema and lose weight works for many lipedema ladies.

That’s why working with the right coach is invaluable.

  • Get started on keto
  • Personalize your nutrition plan
  • Tweak and customize your macros
  • Identify and let go of emotional obstacles holding you back
  • Develop a therapeutic plan for keto
  • Identify if weight stalls are associated with the famine response and hypothyroidism
  • Get organized, inside and outside
  • Develop an overall plan for managing your life with lipedema
  • …and what else do you need to live your best life?

The Lipedema Project has evolved from the early work of Lipedema Simplifed and has more extensive information about lipedema. Please visit to learn more.