Wednesday, December 9, 2020 – Episode 152

Wednesday, December 9, 2020 - Episode 152
By: Catherine Seo, PhD and Leslyn Keith, OTD, CLT-LANA

Lipedema Article Published by Elsevier

  • We’re thrilled that we have finally been able to publish our article, titled “Ketogenic diet as a potential intervention for lipedema”. 
  • And we have an incredible team of people that help put together this article, which was published by Elsevier, one of the top medical publishers in the world.
  • Here we discussed how lipedema is different from obesity and lymphedema, its symptoms, the diagnoses, and how the ketogenic diet is addressing those symptoms.
  • We put forward our hypothesis and we urge further research to help women with lipedema. 
  • Reference: [1] Keith L., Seo C.A., Rowsemitt C., Pfeffer M., Wahi M., Staggs M., Dudek J., Gower B., Carmody M.  Ketogenic diet as a potential intervention for lipedema. Medical Hypotheses, 2020, 110435(ISSN 0306-9877)
  • Link to download the PDF