MasterClass Webinar Series  2020

MasterClass: Knees and Hips OH MY!: Joints and Lipedema

"Untreated lipedema fosters osteoarthritis, secondary lymphedema, limited mobility, and psychosocial stigmatization." ~Uwe Wollina

Antonia Chen, MD, MBA Catherine Seo, PhD & Raeann Sparks
Saturday January 4, 2020 @ 4:00 pm EST

NOTE: The recording of this webinar is now in Our TRIBE Community library.

Our Lipedema TRIBE Community

Together is better. Together we are stronger and can support one another.

All of our webinar recordings plus many more resources are available at your convenience in our library. There's also lots of support in the community. For more info about our TRIBE community:

The most frequent question I have been asked during the past several years has been about joint replacement with lipedema & lymphedema. Going through my own very long process of getting a total hip replacement over the past couple of years, I’ve learned a lot about what can be helpful. This webinar is to share with YOU, a lipedema lady needing a new joint.

My surgeon, Dr. Antonia Chen, miraculously appeared after 5 other surgeons had denied me surgery. I was on the verge of just giving up. My lymphedema therapist recommended her. The past 18 months have been, in many ways, an arduous journey AND yet so amazing. Dr. Chen has partnered with me to give me a new chapter in my life. I am really happy with my results, and with physical therapy, I am regaining my mobility. (I was dancing to Misty Tripoli Body Groove Funk at PT yesterday!)

I only wish that I knew when I started what I know now. Dr. Chen and I would like to make your journey easier. Come join us so we can share this with you.

Join us for a dynamic and comprehensive overview of joint replacement in the environment of lymphatic disorders in this free webinar. There will be an online support group for those going through the joint replacement process early in 2020.

Antonia Chen. MD, MBA is the Director of Research for Orthopedic Surgery at Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH) specializing in hip and knee replacements and Associate Professor of Orthopedic Surgery, Harvard Medical School. She is board certified in Orthopedic Surgery, and her clinical practice is focused on taking care of patients with arthritic hips and knees. She also specializes in the care of complex patients who may require revision procedures or further treatment of their previous hip and knee replacements. She also takes care of patients who experience complications with their hips and knees, including infection, stiffness, and fracture.

Catherine Seo, PhD is Founder & Director of Lipedema Simplified & The Lipedema Project and a professor of psychology. She produced and directed the documentary, The Disease They Call FAT, and was a co-author of the book, Lipedema-The Disease They Call FAT: An Overview for Clinicians. She holds a doctorate in Psychology with a concentration in Media. Catherine has lipedema, lymphedema, has struggled with obesity, and had a total hip replacement on September 4, 2019.

Raeann Sparks, BFA, BEd is a Keto Coach with Lipedema Simplified. She injured both of her knees and was refused surgery because she was diabetic, obese, and, even with osteoarthritis, judged too fat for knee replacement. She was in a wheelchair for several months when she discovered keto. She was able to get out of the wheelchair by learning she had lipedema and then taking action. She used pool exercise and swimming daily, wearing compression daily, cycling 15 minutes daily, getting cortisone injections every 6 months, and, most important, adopting a ketogenic way of eating along with intermittent fasting (IF).

The Lipedema Project has evolved from the early work of Lipedema Simplifed and has more extensive information about lipedema. Please visit to learn more.