About Lipedema Simplified


Welcome to Lipedema Simplified. This website is a portal to information about a relatively common fat disorder that is often mistaken for simple obesity. The European spelling is lipoedema and both spellings are used interchangeably in documents posted on this website. If you have struggled with fat hips and legs and/or upper arms, and that fat would not go away despite diet and exercise, you may have lipedema.

After manifesting the symptoms for many years, and seeking answers from many specialists, I was misdiagnosed. Knowledge about lipedema was almost non-existent in the US 2012. To deal with the painful fat and mobility issues, I had five surgeries which resulted in significant complications.

As one who has this disorder, I have great respect for my Primary Care Physician (PCP). He is kind, knowledgeable, and thorough. He has listened and worked with me to find a solution. He has supported my research and my journey. He has been willing to help me in coming up with treatment options.

This website was the start of a journey that's been both circuitous and awesome. I've met professionals and patients from all over the world, traveled all over Europe and the UK, and learned so much about the healthcare system and about lipedema, lymphatic disorders, surgery, and conservative treatments.

Please know this: YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Even though lipedema knowledge is still sparse in our healthcare system, there is a thriving and feisty lipedema community. We are here for ourselves and we help one another. Together we are making big strides in the diagnosis and treatment for lipedema and related disorders.

The Lipedema Project has evolved from the early work of Lipedema Simplifed and has more extensive information about lipedema. Please visit http://lipedemaproject.org/ to learn more.